Saturday 20 April 2013

Wisdom M and P

I put a case, to M yesterday, via her web site.  This is definetely my final attempt, I can do no more.  I established that she had not seen my messages on Fusion, her email address has changed and I discovered that my old mobile phone does not indicate when text messages have arrived.  I know this because I deliberately sent a test text to my neice at her old number and nothing happened, so it is possible that if M has changed her number that she did not see the text messages I sent two weeks ago.  It that is the case, it explains why I got no answer.  I had no intention of extending the deadline two weeks ago, but here I am. I have been praying for wisdom and I believe that if one prays for wisdom, one should believe that one has recieved it even if one does not feel that somehow God has zapped them with divine knowledge.

I got a text message and phone call from P.  It would be so easy just to capitalise on that, but as I say, I prayed for wisdom and I think it wise to wait for my deadline of Monday evening and in the meantime do nothing but pray.

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