Monday 29 April 2013

A letter to be written

P led us this morning with some thoughts.  What stood out to me was his remark about the passage that says we need bring every thought captive.  He then said every thought will either take you closer to God or away from him.  Now there is a thought.

I have a thought.  I am going to write a long letter like an essay to M.  It seems to me she is far away from God and I want her to take the contents of it seriously.  A lot of it will be about suffering as Job did, but some of it will be about how a certain man decieved her. He was not what she hoped but I could see the truth in that she said about him.

She needs to look in a mirror and be honest about what she sees and return to the lord.

I will be encouraging her to think fo the race of life and how she will be on that final day when she crosses the finishing line.

I was looking at her web site, and there was her address. I wondered why in his providence God had given me that information so late in the day.  Perhaps it is for this moment. I do not know.  I do know however that God expects me to be Godly and do my best, so I am going to do it in the letter.

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