Tuesday 23 April 2013


As I expected, M said no.  However, I have to say that in view of the content of what she had to say, I am sad to say that it reminds me of the parable of the sower, a parable that I confronted her with a couple of years ago, and she did not react well.  There are those who hear the news of the gospel and joyfully accept it and they appear to make great progress.  However when the cares of the world come in, they lapse and the cares take over. 

As M is working seven days a week, I cannot see that she could be having adequate fellowship with other believers.  She also said our lives are going in different directions and we do not agree on things.  this is true, but the reason we do not agree is that I give priority to understanding scripture in context and try to avoid twisting it to suit my own ends.  I understand why she does it as I am just as guilty of doing that when I was considerably younger than she is now.  It is due at least in part to this that our lives are going in different directions.

We are warned that it is he who endures to the end who shall be saved.  I hope she returns to the faith and becomes more focused and that the wisdom I have tried to impart to her will take root some day.  For the present the field is fallow.  Will it remain so until the day of judgement? I hope not.

I therefore cast my net again, and have already done so.  I have a plan B underway and a C and a D.

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