Friday 19 April 2013

lifes Journey

Paul M spoke to us today.  He spoke of a hike he was on and likened it to life.  Sometimes you can see far ahead and sometimes we are just in the moment.  Sometimes we come to an open space where we can look back and see how far we have come and things that did not make sense at the time make sense.  I can understand that as I look back over my life.  He then said that he and his wife who had been ill have an opportunity to go back to a certain field.  It is like a door that has been opened and there are shadows behind it and God is not going to reveal those shadows until they step through that door in faith.  I intend to step through a door in faith.

He qouted the verse that says we should commit our ways to the lord and he will make our paths straight

Following Jesus did not just mean following him. I meant becoming like him.

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