Tuesday 23 April 2013

Church is vital

In view of what I have just said, I think it goes to prove how vital church is.  In the UK we are still blessed, unlike some other countries where there is little or no church and believers are isolated.  I think M does have the concerns of the world working seven days a week, and  that leaves no time for church.  One needs church for teaching.  It is there that the word of God in a Good church, ( Note I said good church, not just any church) is faithfully expounded every week to increase the understanding of he who preaches it and those who listen.

Church is needed for fellowship for it is from other believers that we learn, and encourage.

Finally church has corporate prayer.  It was in church that I learned the discipline of prayer that has led me to the person I am and the position that I am in now.

I do not think that M has consistently enjoyed the blessing of these things.

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