Monday 15 April 2013


I spoke to the new recruits as the GIG conference this morning.  I spoke on Judges chapter 6 which is the call of Gideon. I dwelt upon his fear.  I also related some of my own fearful experiences, and told them that there will be challenges ahead. However, God will be as faithful to them as he was to Gideon. I also said that testing the Lord as Gideon did was something the lord allowed out of compassion. It is not normal. The normal way is if God commands us to do something then we should do it.

Gideon lived up to his name. a mighty warrier and a feller of trees.  Throwning down the alter of Baal was the start of being a mighty warrier even though he was afraid and chopping down the Asherah pole was chopping down a tree.  It was cutting down Asherah and Baal. It was because Baal could not defend himself, ( for he does not exist) that Gideon was called, Jerubbabel ( Let Baal defend himself)

There was an older couple present and they told me that they found what I had to say inspirational. I hope that it holds them in good stead.

I encouraged the new recruits to spend time in prayer and Gods word and whatever fears they may have to still go forward trusting the lord.

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