Monday 22 April 2013

All my thougthts on a Monday morning.

I went to see G in Hospital yesterday.  His daughter, her husband and their daughter were present.

I see that there is a message in fusion for me.  I will read it tonight. I am pretty sure this is crunch time.  It was my final attempt at communication.  I have no idea what it says, but broadly speaking it has to say, Yes, no or lets discuss. If it is the final one, I need wisdom.  I just have a feeling that it would not be an outright yes, it is much more likely to be one of the the other two.

My bloodshop eye is healing well, so soon I need to start looking at preventative treatments.

We have visitors today from the Haiti hospital project.  This all started for them when their son saw a post it on a wall with a message with an email address for hosting a haiti pastor.  They now know that post it was only on the wall for 10 minutes when the pastor changed his mind and took it down but in Gods providence it was seen and copied in those 10 minutes.

If I got one thing from the message, it was dream dreams and be willing to follow with action.

I am not so sure about their theology. They told their son that he had to be sure that it was Gods Idea and not his, but I cannot think of any scripture to support such an approach.  One could get concerned about whether their ideas are from God or not when one should just get on with it.  I also ask myself, why would God create creatures who are capable of thinking of ideas for themselves if they are not intended to go ahead with the idea?  I think it more likely that we are created to think for ourselves and take responsibility for our ideas and actions and trust the lord in providence to aid us in bringing them to fruition if we are truely doing whatever we are doing for his Glory and that is the key point. We need to be doing things for his glory.

Having said that, I admire and respect our guests.

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