Saturday 13 April 2013

The rally and the leadership of women in the church

I went on a rally today, I gave four children a lift to it. It was a nice day out in spite of the wind and the cold.  We went to two chapels. The first was URC.  The minister was not there and she is a woman and the I later found out that the woman who gave the history talk is one of the elders and there was a photo in one of the rooms of the elders and they have a number of women.

Later at another chapel the pastor mentioned in the passing Issue the church faces such as not having the gospel and women in leadership.  He said that we would hav met the woman elder.

It seems to me the british church has turned its back on the authority of Gods word.  It is like the word says, "Having a form of Godliness, but denying the power thereof". 

Scripture clearly states that in the church women should not teach or have authority over men and it states the reasons for it so it is not cultural.  Scripture goes back to the creative order for the reason and it is because Adam was created to be the head and he was not decieved by what the serpent said.  He knew what he was doing when he sinned.

I would go as far as to say that in a church situation any man who submits to women vicars, priests, elders etc is sinning even if he does not know it and it will prevent him being what God wants him to be, which is the leader in his own house.  He would be just as well being emascalated and not being a man at all.

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