Tuesday 25 September 2012

Wisdom and Judging

It is sad when one is accussed of judging, when in fact the use of the word is not the way the bible uses it.  We are told to Judge not that ye be not judged and then it goes on to say that by the same measure we shall be judged.  If I say something it wrong, do I do the the thing I say is wrong?

M accused me of judging her. I was in fact trying to give her some wisdom. Im my mind I was back in the viewfield centre some years ago when two women walking in and talked about Judgement and said it is not for us to judge. However the context was wrong.  We are in fact to judge under some circumstances.  We are to judge what is wise or unwise, and I will not apologise for passing on a bit of wise advice. I have learned things from other people who were themselves wise. Who had walked with the lord for many years before I met them. I have also learned to respect Gods restraining hand and I am still learning that.

Some people are academically bright, but very foolish and suffer because of it. They do not listen to wisdom, nor do they take what the bible has to say in context or understand things biblically.  It makes me wonder what the church teaches them, or perhaps the church has taught them but they did not like what they heard.

Failure to acknowledge wisdom, potentialy could have tragic consequenses, unless one turns and learns.

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