Tuesday 4 September 2012

Being Charles Dickens

I am being Charles Dickens again.  I am writing the prayer letter I shall send out next month.  The section on the UCCF Forum is much larger than I anticipated because of a conversation I had last nigth with a certain young woman who is one of the stewards.  I was very impressed with her and at the end of the conversation I realised that people of her age encounter problems that I did not at her age.

In my mind I was back at school, and One of the boys talking about our parents generation said. " Our parents probably faced temptations we do not".  It made me think, and I thought it was true, and I think it is just as true now and not just in terms of temptations, but difficulties

The young woman told me that at her University there are christian students in churches who hav groups for the students and they have nothing to do with the CU.  She also said that she did not think that the teaching in those churches was very good.  When she said that, I warmed to her.  I thought she was a very impressive character.  I said, "You are just like me".  I then added, "One needs sound doctrine, not just for now, but for life".

I think young people today, have a greater uphill struggle than I did.  They have less support and less emphasis on doctrine and more on "Spectacle" to quote the the word the young woman used to describe what she was talking about.

They need prayer, and after my conversation with that young woman, when she had gone, I spotaniously found myself praying for her.  I really hope that her fellow students and lecturers think well of her, because after one conversation, I think highly of her and I trust that she is a good influence in her CU and her church.

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