Monday 17 September 2012

Answer to prayer

The machine, subject to certain conditions, can do the job. I really think that is an answer to prayer.  It will also save us a great deal of money.

I need to be useful

The job has changed over the years, and we have had a culture change in the office, in my view largely for the best, but in the process, we have sacraficed what other people call the amature approach. I am not so sure that I agree that we were ever amature, but we do strive to be efficient.

I do hope that I never lose sight of the fact that other people are human beings with feelings.  I think this is a lesson that I have had to learn as I have got older.  I am probably a lot more sympathetic to others than I once was.  I use to think only in terms of getting things done., but now I would not want to get things done as the expense of people.

I have come to realise that people including myself need to feel valued. Those who feel this way in my opinioun will serve all the more joyfully.

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