Wednesday 19 September 2012

Isaac and Rebecca

We know that Sarah, wife of Abraham ( and half sister) was barren until her old age, when she gave birth to Isaac.  The lord had promised Abraham that he would be the father of many nations, yet he had not off spring.  Abraham and Isaac sought to bring the promise about by their own means, hence hagar gave birth to Ishmael. 

However I notice all the more now that Rebecca was also barren.  She and Isaac must have wondered how God was going to fulfill his promise to his father, though I suppose that Isaac would be mindful that God kept his promise to his parents when he was born to them in thier old age. If you check the figures Isaac and Rebecca were married for 20 years and we are told that Isaac prayed and Rebecca became pregnant with Jacob and Esau.  I suppose they both prayed for those 20 years before God gave them what they wanted.

there are things I have prayed over a number of years.  Lets see what the lord does

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