Friday 7 September 2012


There is a Quaker meeting house in the town. I often park outside it when I am in the co-op round the corner, but in all the years I have lived where I do, I have never had the opportunity to be inside it.  Today they had an open day when I was in the town at lunchtime, and I went in, had a look at their displays and their video.

I have to say that I am not convinced that this is a christian movement.  They read the bible, but the God they seem to believe in if indeed they do believe in God, is not the one who has revealed himself in the bible.  It seems to me that they sit in silence at their meetings and let their minds wander and every now and again someone stands up to say something and God is described in the video as a higher intellegence but if you want to call him the holy spirit that is OK. In other words they use the same words christians do but just because they use the same words, does not mean that they have the same understanding of those words

It also seems to me looking at their displays that they are a peace movement, but not peace with God, peace in the sense of campaigning against war and supporting refugees, which is all very laudible but I cannot see that they have any answers to the problem of sin. In fact no where in their displays or videos was that mentioned.  I took some of their pamphlets, so I will see what I think of them once I have read them, but I am convinced that they are people who think they are spiritual, but are in fact lost.

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