Thursday 6 September 2012


Forum are here, and I have to say that I am impressed with the character of the steward who is responsible for our team meeting room.  She believes in doctrine rather then spectacle.  I think her family should rightly be very proud of her.

When I was locking the chapel last night there was a bit of an incident that I have recorded in my prayer letter as follows.

One evening I went down the church to lock the building up after the students had left.  I found a young man there packing up his guitar and a couple of girls.  The girls were talking to each other and one of them was clearly very upset.  The young man finished packing and left.  I could see that the girls needed time to talk and pray, so I said to the girl who was doing her best to comfort the other girl that I

would go back to the office to lock up so that they could have some time together. I did this and when I returned, they were still there praying.  As they left, I spoke to them and I discovered that only one of them was a student, the other was a UCCF staff worker.  Evidently they were not two friends who came together from University. They were two girls who had only just met at most two days before at forum.  What I saw was one girl (the staff worker) ministering to the other and I think that sort of thing is going on all the time during forum and throughout the year.  Forum is a place where they can be who they really.  I heard the girl who was upset say to the other; I am the one who always has to be strong.”  I thing for that girl, being at forum was good for her.  She did not have to be strong, she could allow herself to pour out her heart and all her feelings, and through the ministry of the other girl get some comfort.  It has made me more aware of the work of UCCF

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