Tuesday 28 February 2017


d electronically, but also it is a place for your readers to get to know you. It can be an outlet for other writing in the form of blog posts to help readers get a feel for your writing. It can also be a place to show your availability for doing book signings or your willingness to speak at events. It is a place that you can leave evergreen content which doesn't need constantly updating as a blog in itself does. For sales purposes it is a way of building an email list which is an important way of building a list of followers that you own and manage. I say this as a writer, a business owner and a web designer. It's like your own personal shop and brand that you can send people to :) Like · Reply · 1 hr Sophie Neville Sophie Neville For better or for worse, I've sent more than 7,000 to Amazon online sites with one of websites and quite a few to other on-line stockisits and bookshops. I keep 7 other blogs to advertise my books. It's taken time to establish but the blog for my Christian book is getting nearly 4,800 hits a month: http://funnily-enough.blogspot.co.uk/ Funnily Enough funnily-enough.blogspot.com

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