Wednesday 8 February 2017

james white and language

Jory, I saw your aggressive demanding of Summer that she never mention you again, and I will confess, I found it tremendously strange. Let me tell you how I would respond to such demands. I do not engage in apologetic ministry to be safe, or comfortable, or popular. I have written a book on Islam, and debated Muslims in mosques in South Africa. I have defended the faith in debates with atheists on university campuses. I have debated Mormons in Salt Lake City. I do not engage in this ministry for the sake of popularity. I pastor in a small church, and am a churchman first and foremost. So when I speak to a subject, I do so first and foremost for the glory of God, the benefit of His people, and for the salvation of the lost. And if it is helpful to God's people for me to point out, as I did on my webcast yesterday, that El Shaddai means "God Almighty," not "the many breasted one," and exactly why that is, linguistically, contextually, and theologically, I will do so, no matter how aggressively you may demand that I never mention you again. To be honest, you were never on my radar screen until Summer mentioned you on her podcast. Fine. You are now. And I will not swear, abjure, promise or vow to never mention you again as some condition of some peace treaty. Stop telling folks silly things about Hebrew (learn something about natural gender, too, esp. regarding "Spirit" in Hebrew) and maybe I won't have reason to find a teachable moment in your teachings. But no minister worth his salt will say, "Oh, OK, I will be silent in the face of error just for the sake of peace." Not possible for any biblically faithful servant

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