Tuesday 14 February 2017

Not a Distant God Feb 14, 2017

Not a Distant God Feb 14, 2017 READ: Luke 12:4-7 What is the price of five sparrows—two copper coins? Yet God does not forget a single one of them (Luke 12:6). Movie director James Cameron has been responsible for some of the most popular movies of all time: The Terminator, Titanic, Avatar, and others. But what many people don’t know is that far from being removed from the details of filmmaking, Cameron is heavily involved with almost every aspect of the process, from cinematography to creative design. Drawing from his earlier experience as a designer, Cameron even played a key role in developing some of the fantastic special effects that are the centerpiece of his most famous films. It can be easy to imagine that God is a creative but distant movie director of sorts, interested only in the grandest aspects of the universe. In fact, American statesman Thomas Jefferson believed in such a Creator. He viewed God as a cosmic clockmaker who designed the world and put it into motion, but—apart from that—has little other involvement in human affairs. But Jesus paints a very different picture of God in Luke 12. In verses 4 and 5, he describes a God of terrifying eternal power, a God rightly to be “feared.” And yet, in the very next verse He also says that this same God cares about creatures as insignificant as sparrows and knows us intimately, right down to the very number of “hairs on [our] head” (Luke 12:7). He goes on to say, “You are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.” He’s the Creator of the entire universe, but also a Father who knows us and cares for us individually. What a profound and beautiful truth this is—that the God of the universe cares for me, and knows everything about me . . . even my deepest thoughts (Psalm 139:1-2). It brings great encouragement to know that we’re loved by such an amazing and caring God! —Peter Chin NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Exodus 19:1-25 MORE: Read Romans 8:31-39 to be reminded of the intimate love God has for us. NEXT: How can you remind yourself today that God cares about the details of your life? What intimate thoughts and concerns will you bring to Him right now?

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