Monday 20 February 2017

from the writer Mandy jonston

Hi George, I've sometimes taken part in blog tours organised by Tyndale House or Cross Focused Publications. They work by the publisher advertising the book for the tour and bloggers sign up online. The bloggers received a free copy of the book (either ebook or by post). Over the course of a week (publisher decides the date), bloggers upload their reviews to their own blogs and promote on Amazon, Goodreads and social media. They prove they've done this by emailing the links to the publisher, who also promotes across social media. Hope that helps. I guess if you haven't got a publisher, a good way of attracting book reviewing bloggers is to blitz Twitter and Facebook about your book and get them to sign up. Otherwise, you could always approach bloggers direct and invite them to take part. Hope all of that helps. Like · Reply · 42 mins

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