Wednesday 8 June 2016

the rebel

Today guest writer Jory Micah shares some of her personal story. “I had a realization. As a woman in ministry I could accept ‘my place”‘ or I could dust the dirt off my shoulders, and do my own thing. I left my safe church job and gave up having a salary. My husband, who has always been very supportive of me as a minister, was scared. He wanted me to stay put in my safe church job. He wanted to see me succeed. I submitted to him for two years and I am glad I did, because those two years are my most valuable ministry experience. But, when God told me to go, I could no longer submit to my husband’s mixture of wisdom and fear. I had “holy rebellion” in my blood and Jesus was saying, ‘It’s time to fly, girl’.”

Note the old argument used by generations." When GOD TOLD ME"  God tells us what we need to know in the bible. When people say "God told me" that usually means they had a feeling and it was God, so do not argue I am right and there is no other view.

The opening statement about accepting her place is also a mis representation of what the bible says.  Women should be using all their gifts in the way that God has prescribed.

I would describe Jory Micah as a rebel, not a holy rebel and if she keeps going this way then it grieves me so say that one day she may face Gods judgement and find she was fooling herself and others.

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