Friday 24 June 2016


Britain has voted to leave the EU. No country has ever left the EU before.  I expect this has come as a shock to those in power in the EU, especially the European Commission.  Pressure will probably come from Scotland for another independence referendum.  There is great anger throughout the country. It is only about one year since David Cameron and his party won an overall majority and yet he has been defeated.  He will resign as Prime Minister and leader of the Conservative Party before the party conference in October.  It is all change

Where is God in the midst of all this?  There is song we sang in church.

kingdoms may rise, Kingdoms may fall.
Nations refuse to hear God's call
But the word of the lord
Endureth forevermore.

Take God at his promise
Put your faith in Christ
Trust him for salvation and
e ternal life

Things that we love
last for a day
Then in the morning
Fade away
But the word of the lord
Endureth for evermore.

One way or another, God is in control.  Nothing will or can thwart his plans.

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