Monday 20 June 2016

New recruits and Refugees, crisis or opportunity?

I addressed new recruits this morning.  I spoke to them on Mathew 4 from verse 12 and told them that when Jesus moved to Galilee, this  was a sign that he was the messiah.  The prophet Isaiah had fortold this and so this was a sign that Jesus was whom he claimed to be and that as he called the disciples, they were leaving the lives they had once known, giving up their regular income in the fishing industry to follow him and they would find that they had talents that they did not know they had up until then.  Likewise, as new recruits they are also stepping out in faith.  I also told them that God trained the disciples and that even a short term mission is training for life. 

Pray for them as they go to their fields and experience new situations.  They have no idea what could happen, but I told them that God will teach them new things.

Last Saturday, I attended an OM Event about refugees.  Whatever you may think, there is a major refugee crisis and some of them will be coming to this country. Indeed we know that some of them will be coming to Oswestry.  The people who led the event are all people I know who have served in outreach to Muslims.  They presented cultural issues that will come up if we meet refugees, many of whom in their own country are people who would be looked up to.  Educated people who cope with their own culture, but what for them will be a new culture, in some respects they will be like children.  To illustrate the point, one of the speakers asked us to write our signature with our other hand.  ( for most of us this would be the left hand). Signing my name is so simple.  I have done it thousands of times.  However it is very difficult with my left hand.  That is what it will be like for refugees.  Their life skills will be less effective in a new culture as they adapt.  We in turn have to love them for it is an opportunity to introduce them to Christ.  Pray for us as this unfolds.

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