Sunday 12 June 2016

Sadly typical of JM

Jory Micah to Christian Bloggers Network
2 hrs ·
Sadly, this is a common message I get from so called "Christians."
"Show me please where in the Bible it says women are allowed to teach from the Bible. I'd like to see for myself. I believe you are leading unsaved souls down a dark path and God will not hold back His wrath from those who lead His sheep astray."
(I am shaking in my boots *eye roll*)
Women preachers are not evil; sexism in the name of the Bible is what's evil!

Sadly this is typical of JM. She has no consideration of God's judgment to come. She has been well warned and note the attitude,  SO CALLED Christians.  Some of us are in God's family whether she approves or not.  Indeed some of us were accepted by God and proclaiming truth long before she was born.  Some of us aquired wisdom long before she was born.  What she says shows a heart that is as hard as nails.

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