Thursday 27 November 2014

Who am I?

At the team meeting today, our field leader said that if we were interested in money we were in the wrong job. We put so much emphasis in OM on a high calling because we are serving the lord. After the on line argument I had with Dian and the impertinence from her, I found myself saying yes, exactly, that is who I am, someone serving the lord. I felt so refreshed and refocused on hearing what the field leader said in those few simple words.  It made me all the more determined to press on and not be distracted.

I think Dian had no idea about the level of commitment it takes, and would always complain about provision.  The people of Israel did nothing to make manna grow in the wilderness.  God provided it, but then they complained and talked about the wonderful food they had in Egypt ( when they were slaves)  they rejected god and grumbled against him for they wanted meat.  God said to moses he would provide it. Even Moses was astonished and told God that even if they killed all the cattle there would not be enough.  God brought qual in abundance. Too much in fact that it went off and he punished Israel for their complaining.

I see myself as being like Peter, who got out of the boat to walk on the water.  People dwell on him sinking in unbelief, but fail to remember that at least he had faith to get out of the boat.  None of the others did.

Being in mission makes me all the more aware of Gods provision. 

Levites unlike the other tribes were not Land owners. the other tribes supported them as they went about their priestly duties serving the lord and that is what we are like.

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