Friday 28 November 2014

How well do we know the lord in provision?

When a woman indicated that she loves the lord and would not put her husband first in her heart, and she loves the lord first and foremost. I wonder if she really knows what she is talking about.  When we talk about the heart, we really mean the will and that  is not a fixed size.  One also has to question how much she loves the lord if that is based on owning property.  If a man does not own property, then he is a weak leader. In that case most minister or vicars are weak leaders by that measure. 

I think God is more interested in Character.  How much do our hearts, ( wills belong to him)?  How much do we trust him to supply our need?

Often we think we know that the bible teaches and at an academic level we do.  However I have found that I learned far more about what it means by being in situations where I had to do it and trust the lord all the more to get me through difficulties.

I think that for some they are so blind that they cannot see that their trust is limited.  They trust the lord for salvation, but they will not trust him for daily provision even though Jesus himself taught us to pray for daily provision.  He called it, "Daily bread".  Many of us want it all in advance before we will really believe and God may force us into situations were we are not in control and we cry out to him for help.  One gets to know him so much better this way.

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