Thursday 20 November 2014

Hight earners

A person claims to have gone out with older men and been loved by them.  Men who were doctors or certainly high earners.  I found this person fun, intelligent, but emotionally lacking and rude.  On more than one occassion she could see that I reacted emotionally but said she did not understand why.  The first time, I dismissed it, the second, I paid more attention and reached the conclusion that she was not willing to listen to anything I say about Gods provision, or being prescriptive about what she wanted to have from God by March, namely a husband whom she has not met yet who is a home owner.  Her aunt has done this.   I told her that I did not think that wise.  One should get to know people and I in view of her cutting remarks, I told her she was rude.  She called it telling the truth, but lets face it, if you are rude, it is because it is part of your character and insensitivity often lies behind rudeness.  I would rather be used of God, sensitive and even emotional and depend on him for provision than be in her shoes.

I fear that if she finds such a husband, he will find that she is emotionally bankrupt. I suspect all those men she went out with discovered this.

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