Tuesday 14 January 2014

Two funerals

I was at a funeral yesterday, of a man called Travis. I have no idea how many times he heard the gospel and the last time I saw him was at another funeral of a good friend who witnessed to him and prayed for him. Travis was in a bad way. Very infirm and used his wheelchair like a zimmer to get to the funeral. At his own funeral, the vicar said that he had known Travis for six years and travis would say to him, "Its me next vicar". on hearing this the crowd chuckled. It is interesting to see how people react at funerals as we all know that death is coming to all of us, and it is almost the unmentionable subject. We dread it, and if we had a choice, we would put it off. However, because we are sinners it overpowers us. We cannot put it off. The vicar said that Travis had a faith that shone out. This was news to me as i did not see it. Indeed if he had such a faith, why did we find it necessary to witness to him and pray for him if he were already saved. When I saw him at my friends funeral, I reflected on the times my friend had prayed for him and I also prayed saying Lord, this time save him. This may be his last opportunity" and as far as I know, it proved to be his last opportunity and I do not know if he responded. I hope he did. When I arrived at Travises funeral, I could see that there was such a large crowd that it was standing room only at the back. The building had been re modeled and had a new entrance. We were waiting for the vicar and funeral directors to come in with the coffin, when a man who was standing by the entrance passed out. he continued to lye on the floor. Two nurses attended to him who were also at the funeral. I hoped that someone had gone outside and told the vicar what had happened so that he and the funeral party would not attempt to enter. An ambulance was called and the man continued to lye on the floor blocking the entrance. At last it was decided to bring the coffin in by the old entrance and the service could proceed. I had never been to an Anglican funeral before. I found that everything is a set piece. All set in writing to read and full of hope claiming biblical promises. I could not help thinking that so much of it was false hope. the promises have conditions mainly to do with trusting in christ. What if the deceased had not trusted in christ. ( I hope travis did) We do no one any favors to sooth guilty consciences. We should let guilt do its work and point them to the saviour and encourage them to trust him while they still can. later, at the end of the service, I went out, there was a machine that may have been for shocking the heart ( I am not certain of that) and out on the road by the gate was the ambulance. In sum, I think the funeral was nice, but it gave false hope to many.

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