Thursday 23 January 2014

Moses, twice asked for water and his different responses

Exodus 17:1-7 The people quarrelled with Moses saying, “Give us water that we may drink”. Note that this was quarrel, not a request of the lord. They blamed Moses. Where did they think that he would get water from? In the heat of emotion, people are often irrational and will not listen to reason or allow themselves to be ministered to by the lord or any one of his servants. It is Moses, not the people, who cries out to the lord on this matter, and God tells him what to do. God himself would stand before Moses on the rock at Horeb, and Moses was to strike the rock with his staff and water would come out. I think that apart from meeting the current need, this was symbolic. There was a need for water and Jesus is a rock that meets our needs. All that we need for life, pours out from him. 1st Corinthians 10:1-4 that rock which followed them. Numbers chapter 20 verses 1- 13 We see that once again they were at Kadesh. The very place where the spies gave their report, and the people were disheartened and did not believe the lord, thus failing to enter the land. Sometimes we do return to places where we have failed. Moses and Aaron as they prayed would have their minds filled with the memory of this. We see here a similar situation to Judges. The people needed water and this was the second generation. Because of unbelief the first generation were not permitted to enter the land, and here was the second generation being just as rebellious. Moses on the first occasion was told to strike the rock with his staff and it would pour fourth water. On this occasion he was told to speak to the rock and it would pour fourth water. However Moses spoke in anger to the people and stuck the rock twice and water poured forth. The water was a necessity and blessing. However although God poured forth his blessing, he was not pleased with Moses. In his attitude Moses had failed to hold up God before the people as being holy. It was a public sin, and God Judged Moses. Although Moses was the leader, he carried no more favour with God than anyone else when it came to sin. Just as the people of that first generation were doomed to die in the wilderness, so his own family died in the wilderness as we see with Miriam. Now Moses himself is told that he will also not enter the land because of his sin. The people had put God to the test. They had rebelled. They did not believe, and for his own names sake God preserved them. Let us not think that if we enjoy the blessing of God, it follows that we have Gods favour. God deals with sin, and we need to be aware of sin in us. God may indeed show us favour by being merciful and giving us what we need, but I as an adopted son of God am not a favourite, for God had no favourites, and Moses was also not a favourite. When we feel angry and we feel that things are happening against us. We need to trust the lord all the more and not give in to unbelief and rebellion. The people were blessed with water, but THE END DOES NOT JUSTIFY THE MEANS Let us not doubt the lord, even in times of need. We are told that they tested the lord. Perhaps this is not a strong enough word. It means they doubted his care for them, and doubted that he would do what he said he would.

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