Wednesday 15 January 2014

a new generation in the North Parish?????

George Verwer said that he would pray for those of us in OM UK who need more support, I fall into that category. With that in mind, I am doing something about it. Over Christmas, I was in my sending church, and looking around, it struck me that there are now people there whom I do not know. I asked how I could connect with these people and me sister in Law said that I need to write something to re-introduce myself to the Church. This I have done and I anticipate sending it late February or early March. It explains who I am what I do, what OM does with some of its history and how I got here. I had an interview today with Greg Hassall and I mentioned this and he said, “Could you be there and do a slot to introduce yourself?” I told him that it will be necessary for me to be in Dunfermline more often this year for family events, and I will ask the present minister if I can do a presentation while I am there. Somehow, it seems strange introducing myself to a church that I have been a member of for 40 years, but in some respects it is a new church. I told my sister in law that I do not know any of the young women who seem to run the Sunday School and I spotted a significant number of people who seem to be slightly younger than I am whom I have never met before. I have been of the opinion that if the church were to change and become more mission orientated then it would take a new generation to do it. Perhaps they now have that new generation and it is up to me to act immediately.

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