Thursday 30 January 2014

prayer as entertainment, Britains God talent and the X factor

I am a the start of a prayer meeting, and it is one of those rare occasions where i feel uncomfortable in my spirit. there were papers layed out on the floor to write on and verses of the bible printed out. a corner with Juice and bread and juice to have communion alone ( something I cannot find in the bible) there is a bowl to wash hand in to symbolise washing away of inner sin. people are lying on the floor, or sitting. I could easily wash my hands and it would mean nothing unless I actually forsake sin. We were told to hang out with God. I liken it to entertainment and I cannot take it seriously. I am so glad that in my sending church I learned from the minister that prayer is hard work and you have to persevere with it. I cannot think of any occasion when the disciples acted in the manner we are acting now. They prayed and prayed hard into desperate situations. they did not relax. On the contrary they were alert and on guard. The western church seems to be far too relaxed about prayer, about serious concentration on scripture, prefering entertainment and in my view not very good entertainment that would not fayre well on Britains Got Talent or The X Factor.

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