Thursday 19 April 2012

The visitors and the things it reminds me of

It has been good to have PM, MP and FH visit us this week. I met PM on my first day in when I starte with the company I am now with. I have met MP both here and at international meetings, and I met FH a good number of years ago when I did a short term mission in Austria. I feel that in this visit I got to know FH in particulare very much better.

At a BBQ last week, I happened to see some of the books that PH is using that speak on issues that young people face. this includes things like sexual abuse and annorexia. We live in days when in presenting Jesus Christ we need to be in relationships with people that let them know that he cares about these matters.

I understand a just little of the sexual abuse issue because as a small boy, I was abused by the next door neighbours daughter and my parents did not know about it at the time. My mother found out about it many years later when she saw it written down in a journal I kept. I am so glad that we moved house when I was five and that put an end to it. I also remember the strange feelings I had when the neighbours daughter was baby sitting me and I knew what would happen. I wanted to play with my fire engine but I knew that she would take me up to the bathroom and do what she did every time.

This has not effected my life in my view because of the fact that in Gods providence we moved house and as it happens the neighbours left the country shortly afterwards. However, I do think it has given me a little insight into how abuse starts and why it starts. Unlike me however for some, it goes on and on and on for years and wrecks their lives.

Being where I am now, I think I have a very broad view of the work of the lord, and I have a part in it both in the company that I am in and outside it through things like church and things that I do privately such as this blog, and I am in the middle of writing a large blog that will be a one off. It will not be a journal and it will be available to as wide a readership as I can muster.

I think this blog is currently a learning curve for me as I have only just found out that if I were to choose, I could open it to facebook (But so far at least I do not want to do that) I have however recently opened it up to email and worked out how to successfully do that, and the other blog that I am still creating will go to facebook.

I am so grateful to a certain young woman whose blog I once saw and that gave me the idea for starting this blog. Who knows, it may lead to other things.

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