Monday 16 April 2012

A death

I sent a letter to an old school friend recently. I used my battered old address book to send it to the last address I had for him about 35 years ago. this afternoon I got a message that was left on our office answering service. It came from his son. He said that his father passed away yesterday morning.

I am shocked. I may not be a youngster, but I am not at that stage in life where it is common for those I grew up with to die.

It was A who introduced me in my final year at school to the local Pentecostal Pastor. A had been in a major accident at the time. I also met A again at Glasgow University.

One never knows when the end will come. It is vital therefore to right with God and trust Jesus Christ for salvation. Our end may come when we do not expect it and then there is the judgement. We need to have that matter settled now while we are still under Gods Grace or else face his wrath.

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