Monday 30 April 2012

Saturday in Shrewsbury Shakespeare and Batman

Last Saturday, I went to Shrewsbury to joing some other people in reading portions from Shakespeares plays in the market square.  All the protions were on marriage.  One company were advertising their forthcoming production of, "The Merry Wives of Windsor".  We were also raising money for a hospice.  I found it fun.  I took part in several readings. Our own people had chosen Anthony and Cleopatra.

I saw people there whom I had first seen in the attfield ten years ago.  Like many amature companies the youngsters present were the children of the adults who were members of the company.  It was a fun day.

When it was all over, I did some shopping.  I saw the batmobile pass by with batman at the wheel. He looked like he had come staight off the film set.  One man standing beside me said, "Did I really see that?"  I said, "Yes you did, I saw it to".  Batman must have spent a lot of money on the car and the costume. it really looked great.

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