Tuesday 10 April 2012

Good Friday

I went to St Johns last Friday night. It was Good Friday. It was a strange experience. I had a agreed to do one of the readings. Everything without exception was written down on sheets of paper, ie all the things that would be said between the readings including responses. One by one the readers would come up and read an easter passage and then blow out a candle. The largest candle represented christ.

At the point where christ died the pianist turned up the volume and hammered on the keyboard. the large candle representing christ was put under the table.

One of the ladies who read was very emotional and started to cry. My own reading ( the longest one) was also emotional, but I did not cry and this was followed by another lady whom I knew would cry because she always does.

It was the end that surprised me. It was abrupt. there was no opportunity to remain and talk, we all left as quickly as we could and went home.

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