Monday 23 April 2012

Last Saturday

Last Saturday at Digbeth was lovely. For me the day started when I thought that I had left enough time to get to the train and on the way, I stopped at a shop to get a newspaper and to my horror, I found that I had forgotten my wallet. I realised it was in another jacket and I had to go back for it. I left the newspaper in the shop. I was going to a Rally in Digbeth and I really wanted to go. I thought that by going back to the flat, I would miss the train, but if God really wanted me to be at that Rally, then making the train a few minutes late would not be a lot of trouble for the lord.

I drove back to my flat, got my wallet and drove straigtht to the station and as I parked I could see the train coming in. It WAS late. There was our minister beconning me on to run to get the train. I did and boarded the train.

We were to meet other people at Moor Street Station. We were very early, I had a coffee and bought a newspaper. I also took photos of a steam locomotive that is permenantly in the station.

Other people arrived and we went to the Digbeth institute which is now a night club. I took more photos. We went to the top of the building where there was a bar. (There is a bar in every room) It was in that bar that the minister gave a talk on the minister of the nearby church. It was good to see how God had blessed the area in days gone by, but we need to see things happening in our own day.

Those at the Rally were middle aged. we need to see younger people coming to the lord.

We went to the cathedral and then to the host church where we were given an address on how Joshua, met the commander of the lords army ( who is the lord) and all the men were circumcised. This was a strange thing to do from a military point of view as they could have just gone in and started the invasion immediately. However, Gods people should be consecrated unto him and they were still under the Abrahamic covenant, but none of the men had been circumcised in their years of wandering in the wilderness. Now they were being prepared for what God had for them. To go in and take the promised land.

So we in our way, should be available and consecrated, set apart from the world for the lords purposes.

All in all, it was a lovely day

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