Tuesday 28 September 2010

Will I Finish Well?

I find that the older I get, the more I see some disappointments I did not think I would see. People I once knew who professed faith in christ now deny him. At the time, I could not have envisaged any of them doing that and some deny him very vehemently. One wonders if they were ever really saved in the first place? I am sorry to say that it is like the parable of the sower and the seed. Some fell on all sorts of bad ground and did not last. Am I on good ground

It does however cause me to re evaluate myself. It is those who endure to the end that shall be saved. It is like being in a long race and you have to have the finishing line in mind as your goal and the object is to last the distance so that you cross it. It is what I call finishing well. So far, so good, I am still going on with the lord and as we in the church heard from a recording some months ago, the day after my conversion, I woke up the next morning, still a believer and I have gone on since then every morning waking up still a believer and I trust that I will go on like that until one day it is my final morning. However, I am not content to remain as I am. I think that we all need to keep growing in knowledge and grace and not be content with what we have of the lord now. We always need more.

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