Tuesday 28 September 2010


Last night at the Crew was interesting, but I still do not see myself as a childrens leader. It took me back to the days when I was their age and I was a cub. I do not think I realised then that the meeting is short. They seemed longer and the reason they seemed that way is because the meeting is structured to be fast moving. Presumably this is to keep the childrens attention. It was also nice to put faces to names that I have only heard of at the prayer meeting. I had in fact seen some of those faces before at a prize giving on the estate.

I think the sort of work that goes on is more vital now than it was in my time, and it was pretty vital then. I do pray that it will produce some long term fruits.

Boys will be boys. They are studying Moses and that means coming to some understanding of Egypyt. One of the tables was put up on end to be a display board. Two of the boys got behind it and waggled their arms so that the board looked like it had four arms. I would probably have done that at their age.

In anticipation of next week, which has got to be about the burning bush, one of the girls said that when Moses went into the desert, he got married and his father in law was called Jethro. This is correct, but not at all what we were looking for.

I do think that the crew has some advantages over the cubs and scouts. There is no uniform, so parents do not have to spend money on one. It is totally christian based and therefore more likely to achieve its goals than church based cubs and scouts. When I was a cub, it was not church based, but the chaplin they had happened to be my minister. To be honest, as far as christiainity was concerned, I learned absolutely nothing in the cubs or scouts. I learned some usefull practical things, but nothing spiritual. The crew is totally spiritual, it would be impossible to be in it and learn nothing.

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