Thursday 23 September 2010

Kind and unkind

There are people, such as I who can be most unkind, on the other hand there are also those such as C who is the exact opposite. Both profess faith, but I think C is much more credible. I know I can be cranky when I am tired, or when I am just feeling empty, but I really do think that showing Kindness to people reflects the saviour. He is kind to us, so we should be kind to others, especially to fellow believers. Some believers would drive you up the wall, but never the less, they are the lords chosen and should be treated as such. This does not mean being foolish. There are those who believe false doctrine and we should not believe that which is false. We should however do our best to get on with everyone.

If people cannot see christ in me, then there is something far wrong. I trust that people do see christ in me.

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