Saturday 25 September 2010

An induction

I was at an induction. Sometimes they can give you an idea of what lies ahead. I have no doubt that on the surface everything will be lovely, but It alarms me when people are told if they have a prophetic word to just give it. Either the bible is complete, or it is not and if people do give a prophetic word then then the bible must be incomplete ( which I do not believe)

then there is the subject of calling. As far as I can see when God called people he spoke audibly to them and they were called such as Moses before the burning bush and Paul on the road to demascus. However when paul planted churches he told them to appoint pastors and elders depending on peoples giftings. He did not say appoint them as they were called.

He also did not expect one church to take any reponisibility for decisions made by another church. Each church was independent. At this one I did not answer with everyone else a question that was put to the visitors from other churches concerning supporting this ministry. They and they alone are responsible for it, visitors are mearly well wishers and observers.

I await and see how things will pan out, but like tends to attract like. I doubt if they will be challenged where they badly need to be challenged such as in the nature of what church is, or if anyone gave a prophetic word, would it be challenged? I doubt it, however I may be wrong and I sincerly hope that I am. I said that like usually begets like, but sometimes God in his providence puts someone in who is not at all like and brings in much needed change. In both of my churches this has happened. I hope it happens in this case.

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