Monday 21 December 2009

Joseph and his dreams. the christmas story from his point of view

Have you ever considered the christmas story from the point of view of Joseph? First of all his fiancee is pregant, and not by him. So he considers putting her away without public disgrace, but God tells him in a dream to marry her and that the child she is carrying is of the holy spirit. On three other occassions he is told in a dream to leave the place he is in and go somethere else and eventually ends up in Nazareth. This fulfilled the prophecy about Jesus that he would be called a Nazarite. Joseph had no control over his circumstances. It was God working out his will through providence.

2 comments: said...

It is rather amazing. :) Thanks for the reminder!

Happy New Year.

Unknown said...

thanks, I must make a point of looking at comments more often. I find many of the things you say inspiring.