Monday 28 December 2009

christmas day

Christmas day with a family from Church was nice. I am blessed to have friends. Without the church I would be alone.

This has been one of those rare occassions where I did not go to Dunfermline for christmas because my brother and his family were not at home due to the fact that Alison had a dancing job in a pantomime at Ayr. I am really pleased for her. It will give her some professional experience.

I did wonder if in staying at home, God had something for me. I do plan to do some catchin up on Church matters, however perhaps what God has in mind will happen today. I got a text from a friend asking me if she could visit me today. Her husband died this year, and Susan is one of those people whom I treasure as one of the people who welcomed me into OM. She introduced herself to me 15 years ago come January by stealing my chips and if you ever read this Susan, you know what I mean.

I need to pop out to a supermarket, get some things for the church hogmonay party and then get home to await susans arrival. She is visiting her parents.

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