Tuesday 15 December 2009

A Large Funeral

I have been to a lot of Funerals at the Quinta Church, but I have never been to one that was as big as todays. The man who died was only 39 and he liked Deep Purple and Oasis. There was a song from Oasis.

The Crowd was so large that they could not all get into the chapel. I had to stand by the door and I was very grateful to the funeral directors for their crowd control. there was a large number of people who had to stay outside

The deceased leaved behind two children.

He suffered a brain hemorage

It goes to show that we never know when the lord will take the life he has given us and we will account for how we have used it.

I have never been to a funeral before that featured music from Lad Zeplin, and the guitarist sang a song by Oasis.

Derek was the keyboard player. He expressed his appreciation of having me there as it made things so much easier for him.

He also thought that it was good that Digby did not over promise anything, but he did not avoid the issue either.

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