Monday 21 March 2011

The Crew

Tonight will be the last time for the present that I stand in at the Crew. Weather permitting we will be out in the wood and for the childern they will be in the wilderness. Last week they were spying out the land. I still would not do this weekly, but I do think that that it is good to see what goes on and to pray for the children that they will learn and come to knowledge of the saviour for themselves. I had a sunday school background which helped a lot when I finally became a christian. Most children today do not have that privilage and the Crew (Crusaders) is a way of filling that gap.

Straight after crew, I am off to the theatre for the first rehearsal of Improble fiction. I love the theatre. I wish I were picked for more performing, but I love working with them and I love them as people. Having recently joined the committee, I love that to. I put forward five suggestions for plays last weekend. Lets see if they go with any of them. there was only one suggestion from someone else that I cannot support them in and that is Calendar girls. I can just imagine what would happen to me, so if that is accepted I will declare myself unavailable. That said some of the other suggetions were brilliant. I fancy the Beggars opera or the tempest. I once saw it at the Royal Shakespear company with Patrick Stewart. It was brilliant.

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