Thursday 3 March 2011

The Christian Institute

I was at a Christian Institute meeting last night. It was good to know what is going on. I was already familiar with most of it, but what pleased me was that the meeting was quite well attended and there were people there that I know from other churches. It was also good to see Paul a former collegue.

I came across the Christian Institute last year and I got involved. In view of one of the things that was said about them sending letters to supporters, I have decided to remain on the mailing list as some of the things they do are targeted by postcode and it is such an appoach that led me to see my MP at the end of last year.

I look back on my secondary school days and how right from the day I arrived at secondary school until the day I left, I did modern studies. At the time it was a new subject and I did it because I enjoyed it. It made me politically aware just as the church made me spiritually aware and I can now see that even at the age of 12 years old the lord was preparing me for things like being involved with the christian institute and indeed for all the things I do now and for all I know he could at this very moment be preparing more for me.

A certain video was shown and when they asked for a show of hands of people who had not seen it before, I was surprised at the number who had not seen it. Pehaps they were not on the mailing list but I had seen it because I follow the CI on facebook. The arrest of the street preacher in it had been well reported in the press.

Ah well another meeting tonight. This time at the village institute

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