Tuesday 22 March 2011

The battle is won

It seems that she who caused me such a problem last year is almost certainly a scammer. That information helps me greatly. I can now get back on one of my regular email addresses knowing that the crisis is over. I am not complacent however. There will be future battles, but for the present, I am safe. I can only conclude that it is the lord who brought me through and if you dear christian brother of sister are reading this. I strongly urge you in all your trials to submit to the lord and let him carry you through. You may indeed have to do some wise and practical things. It is foolish to think God will do things for us that he expects us to do do for ourselves. I did the practical things that I thought would be good for me, but God has added to that the things I could not do for myself and I have made it. I am so joyful about that.

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