Tuesday 6 April 2010

CRB check

The CRB check arrived in the post today. As I opened the envelope, I knew the moment of truth had arrived and it is negative. Most people would not know how much that document means to me. After all the false accusations made against me, by people I do not know and by people I suspect were mentally ill, there is not a stain on my character. I am just so pleased. It has to be God in his mercy to me who has done this. I am so thankful to him.

Those accusations were a trying time for me when they happened, yet even then I saw Gods protective hand guarding me and now I see it again.

I am innocent. I always was, but now I know it is official


Unknown said...

What were you accused of George?

Unknown said...

Following people, which I was not and fortunately I could prove that I was somewhere else