Saturday 17 April 2010

Wisdom and Providence

The bible encourages us to pray for wisdom. I am praying for that. I really need it for decisions I am going to make very soon. I am going to look at my emails, see what is there and then depending on what I see, I am going to make a decision about relationships. Who knows, what I decide on Monday may be life changing, or it may not, but one thing is for sure I am not content to let things plod on as they are even though things are OK.

Perhaps things have conspired to push me on. As I look back over my life so far, I see a pattern. I see that God has always used circumstances to push me on. Circumstances that I could not control and yet they worked out very much for my good. Things particularly at work at the moment may be such circumstances again. As yet, I do not know that. I do know that as I lead the team in a series of studies in Esther, God leads through his providence. God must have known that today I would be in the Black Country Museum and at the end of the visit, the group I was with would meet in a Methodist chapel Called the "PROVIDENCE CHAPEL". It seemed a fitting reminder that in all things, God is dealing with me.

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