Wednesday 7 April 2010

Do I Listen to God

I have just been reading a couple of articles in Relay that prompt the question, "Do I listen to God?" Do I expect him to do things? Do I have a good relationship with him? Theologicaly the answer is yes, but do I listen to him in all situations? Am I listening to him now in the situations that I am in.

Yesterday getting that CRB form was a reminder of how he has intervened in providence to protect me in the past. I trust that he does so now, but There are things that I desperately need and do not have the wherewithall to get them for myself. Will God deliver? I am I praying aright? I believe I am, but when will I see the result?

I think it good to visit these things from time to time. It makes me see what God has done and can do. It also makes me pray all the more that I may love his word and obey it. When I sin (As indeed I do) I trust that I keep short accounts.

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