Thursday 31 December 2009

The Final Day

It is the last day of 2009. Tonight in the Sunday School building the church will have a party to welcome the new years in and to have fellowship one with another. Keeping this blog does to some extent help me review the year. What have a I done? What have I failed to do? However I have come to realise that God is very interested indeed in the sort of person I am rather than what I do. I could work 24 hours a day and say that I worked for the lord and it does not contribute one single thing to my salvation. Jesus has done it all to glorify his heavenly father and if through what he has done then I am a son of God and as a son, I should show the traits that I have from the father. I hope that when I look back over 2010, I will see that I have done that.

Monday 28 December 2009

christmas day

Christmas day with a family from Church was nice. I am blessed to have friends. Without the church I would be alone.

This has been one of those rare occassions where I did not go to Dunfermline for christmas because my brother and his family were not at home due to the fact that Alison had a dancing job in a pantomime at Ayr. I am really pleased for her. It will give her some professional experience.

I did wonder if in staying at home, God had something for me. I do plan to do some catchin up on Church matters, however perhaps what God has in mind will happen today. I got a text from a friend asking me if she could visit me today. Her husband died this year, and Susan is one of those people whom I treasure as one of the people who welcomed me into OM. She introduced herself to me 15 years ago come January by stealing my chips and if you ever read this Susan, you know what I mean.

I need to pop out to a supermarket, get some things for the church hogmonay party and then get home to await susans arrival. She is visiting her parents.

Thursday 24 December 2009

The man on the radio

This morning I was listening to the radio. There was a man of 90 who is infirm and confined to his flat. He will spend christmas alone. He was married, but he divorced. His wife already had children and he has none. Most of his friends are dead, or not living near him, or suffer from altziemers disease. He decided not to marry again. He has no one to share a meal with, or to be part of a unit. He thought being with someone even when they are not talking had a warmth to it.

I think of myself and unless God answers my prayers, then I will suffer a similar fate to this man. that said however, at least as a believer, life always has hope.

Monday 21 December 2009

Joseph and his dreams. the christmas story from his point of view

Have you ever considered the christmas story from the point of view of Joseph? First of all his fiancee is pregant, and not by him. So he considers putting her away without public disgrace, but God tells him in a dream to marry her and that the child she is carrying is of the holy spirit. On three other occassions he is told in a dream to leave the place he is in and go somethere else and eventually ends up in Nazareth. This fulfilled the prophecy about Jesus that he would be called a Nazarite. Joseph had no control over his circumstances. It was God working out his will through providence.

Friday 18 December 2009

the new machine

the new machine arrived today, and the old one was carted away in a car. It is the end of an era and the beginning of a new one and the only continuity there is, is ME. If there is one thing I can say that I have brought to the team it is that.

Nothing Is Impossible with God

Once again in devotions the passage where Mary goes to her cousin Elizabeth and they are both miraculously pregnant came up. It says "For nothing is impossible with God." We also sang the song, "Give Thanks with a grateful heart". I associate this with the shelter, and my baptisme in particular as I chose this song to be sung as I came out of the water. Coming from the background that I do, baptism as I understand it was going to be impossible, but never the less it happened. I am now in a situation where I am once again looking to God to do the impossible for me.

Tuesday 15 December 2009

A Large Funeral

I have been to a lot of Funerals at the Quinta Church, but I have never been to one that was as big as todays. The man who died was only 39 and he liked Deep Purple and Oasis. There was a song from Oasis.

The Crowd was so large that they could not all get into the chapel. I had to stand by the door and I was very grateful to the funeral directors for their crowd control. there was a large number of people who had to stay outside

The deceased leaved behind two children.

He suffered a brain hemorage

It goes to show that we never know when the lord will take the life he has given us and we will account for how we have used it.

I have never been to a funeral before that featured music from Lad Zeplin, and the guitarist sang a song by Oasis.

Derek was the keyboard player. He expressed his appreciation of having me there as it made things so much easier for him.

He also thought that it was good that Digby did not over promise anything, but he did not avoid the issue either.

Thursday 10 December 2009


In the meeting this morning, Chris refered to Eliezar. He is named in Genesis 15 and 2. I preached on providence to the team at the start of this week and chose this incident where Abraham sent his servant to get a wife for Isaac. The passage does not name the servant, but the one chris refered to does. Abraham said that God would send his angel ahead and that in this we could see that sometimes in our prayer we cannot see that God is doing something, he has sent his angel.

I myself refered to the angel on Monday, but I also said that we need to be practical where God wants us to be practical. Abraham was practical in sending the servant to find a wife for his son. The servant was clearly a very Godly man.

Has God sent his angel ahead of me?

Monday 7 December 2009

a deeper friendship

In the early hours of Saturday morning having been out for curry after the theatres Friday night performance, a young friend asked me to walk with her to her car. I was very touched by that as it was an act of trust.

I also found through the course of the week that I got to know one of the other men quite well and there is the basis of a friendship with him in my opinion. I look forward to seeing him again.

God of the impossible

At devotions this morning, we looked at how the angel Gabriel came to Mary with the news that she would give birth to the messiah. This was impossible as she was still a virgin

She also did not know that God had already done something impossible. Her elderly cousin Elizabeth was pregnant (with John the baptist) Her husband Zecharia had been chosen by lot to make the sacrafice for the people and while in the holy place, he came face to face with Gabriel who told him that his prayers had been answered. All of these people were ordinary insignificant people.

I am an insignificant person, and I am asking God to do the impossible for me.

Friday 4 December 2009

Next week

Next week, we have the office christmas party. I intend to wear my kilt

On Friday, my friend Jimmy arrives for the weekend. We will be going out to christmas dinner on Friday night with the theatre and on Saturday we are going looking for books.

What a week it has been so far

On Monday, James told the team that he had a motor bike accident over the weekend. Today he was suddenly unwell and was taken by ambulance to hospital.

I had a discussion with a couple of colleques on Monday about my grievances and that helped a great deal. Now we can move on.

tonight the town centre is open for shopping and there is a christmas fayre. It should be fun and as I am not due on stage until the last scene, I can go. We will then go out for the usual Friday night curry.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Good meeting, and Comfort and Joy

I thought yesterdays meeting between me, Derek and Chris was good. It resolved my personal issues.

It is a bit parky today. You can still see the frost. Last night I came dangerously close to being frozen out of the car. I need to be aware of that as the theatre are performing "Comfort and Joy" all this week and I need to be on stage for the final scene.