Tuesday 23 December 2008

Zacheriah and Simeon and me

Yesterday as I got out of bed, I prayed and was honest with the lord. I told him that this would be a day of my unbelief, please help my unbelief. At devotions it was about Zacheriah and Simeon. Zacheriah had prayed for a son, and now he was old and there was no sign of recieveing a son, yet the angel told him that he would have a son. Zacheriah did not believe. I am at that point where I am so advanced in years that to get what I pray for seems impossible, and yet......

And yet God promises to answer prayer.

Tomorrow I will take a risk and lauch an initiative of sending and email that I have drafted over a number of weeks that contains a lot of gospel truth. I am sending it to the person I pray for. I also took a tract off the church table a couple of weeks ago. I plan to send it from Dunfermline to the same person. I pray that both of these things will make an impact and lead to her salvation.

I am like Zacheriah. I pray and in the past have had to accept a lot of no no no from God. On reflection this was wise, but now I am getting up in years and time is not on my side. I desperately want this with all my heart. looking at previous entries, I am reminded of the card I got earlier in the week with the verse. " the Lord has heard my supplication" from Psalm 6:9 Zacheriah was told, that the lord has heard his prayer. Oh that God would answer me quickly.

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