Saturday 20 December 2008

David and Coliath

Today is the last Saturday before christmas and I feel empty again. I know why I feel this way and the only good thing I can say is that at least it makes me pray. I can also see God heming me in to go the way that he wants and that I will gladly do, but it is so difficult. I sent a certain person that I pray for a calendar. I also plan to send a tract that I took from the church table. Before I do that , I plan to send an email that like the pebble David used to stike Goliath I hope will deliver a knock out blow to my situation and I pray that the track, like Coliaths sword will deliver a final Killer blow that will result in someone being given the gift of faith.

I am a about to go out and deliver the same calendars around a nearby hamlet.

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